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Chairman Message

In addition to a solid education, we want to give our students a lifelong learning experience. We want to teach students to LEARN, not just STUDY, so we work hard to go beyond the confines of books. We understand that while the future is uncertain and abstract, the youth in our care are real and malleable.

Doing rather than just knowing should be the foundation of learning. The entire process will remain surface-level until and until learning solutions are relevant to real-world situations and inspire learners to acquire and apply the knowledge. Any reputable engineering school aims to maximize the output of world-class professionals. Our school has organized activities and established clear goals to attain excellence in technical, managerial, and professional education. It is very noteworthy that the school has contributed to the development of alumni who are professionally prepared, emotionally mature, and service-oriented. We don't cut corners when it comes to discipline or teaching standards since we believe in academic excellence. These three items serve as our foundations and guides.

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